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Monday, April 25, 2016

New Updates Coming From Privateer Press

Privateer Press has announced new updated rules being published for Warmachines and Hordes, to be released the end part of June...
It is partly why I am taking my time in assembling and painting the Cryx Battlegroup kit I recently purchased: when the new rules are published the current rules will be replaced, as will the current stat cards for all the pieces.   Here is the youtube-video released by Privateer Press regarding these upcoming changes:

In a way I am kind of lucky that I just happened to want to get into these games at this time -- I will not have to unlearn the old rules and tactics, etc., that someone who's been playing for awhile will have to relearn and rethink.  I do not know if the changes coming in June are going to be small changes here and there throughout the rules, or major game-changing rewrites of the whole game.  In my case I guess it doesn't matter, because when I get the new rule book it will be brand new to me, just as the current rule book was brand new to me last week when I made the decision to begin playing Warmachines.

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